M.P.Cs (Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science)
M.E.Cs (Mathematics, Electronics and Computer Science)
M.S.Cs (Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science)
Faculty of Science (B.Sc.) :
The candidates who have passed the Intermediate Public Examination conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education or any other examination recognized as its equivalent with MPC / Bi.P.C, with a minimum of 40% aggregate marks obtained in the optional subjects considered cerned are eligible for admission to B.Sc.
Note: Candidates with M.E.C. Group at Intermediate level will be considered eligible for admission to B.Sc. (M.S.Cs and M.S.C.A)
Faculty of Commerce (B.Com) :
The candidates who have passed the Intermediate Public Examination conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education govt.of Telangana or any other examination recognized as its equivalent with any group, are eligible for admission into I year of B.Com (general and Computer Applications)
P.G Courses offered
M.Sc (Mathematics)
M.Sc (Physics)
A state level Common Post Graduate Entrance Tests (CPGET) are being conducted by Osmania University for admissions into various PG courses offered by Osmania, kakatiya, Telangama and Other Universities. The candidate who wants to take admission in P.G. Course have to qualify U.G. course (with Maths/Physics) as one subject and qualify CPGET conducted by
Osmania university, Hyderabad.The candidate has to participate in counsiling for admission.
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